Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Epilogue: Rooster

As it turned out, the rest of the rooster story was not quite as amusing as I had hoped, but I'll tell it to you, anyway.

Saturday morning (the morning after Nanny left her "April Fool" message on the answering machine), The Husband called her to see how/when she'd found the rooster.  It seems that although she'd been up the driveway several times that morning, she'd not seen the rooster on the post until Friday afternoon.  It surprised us that she hadn't immediately suspected us of the deed.  No, she called her sister, who lives just up the road, and accused her.  Aunt B. quite innocently denied knowing that there was a rooster on the fence post.  Nanny's suspicion then shifted to Uncle B., whom she'd seen out walking earlier that morning.  Uncle B. denied personal involvement, but let it be known that he had witnessed the crime (we'd seen him puttering around his yard when we were affixing the rooster to the post).  It didn't take much prodding from Nanny for him to rat us out.

* * * * * *

We had a big storm here yesterday.  I came home to find that the dirt in the pots of my patio herb garden was like soup.  I tipped each pot over and drained out most of the water. 

The temperature dropped more than 20 degrees after the storm.  The weather man had even said that a frost is possible in the next few days.  I got an old bed sheet from the linen closet and draped it over the baker's rack to protect everything. 

I should learn to take my own advice.  A week ago, when a friend called and said that she was about to go to the greenhouse for plants for her pots and window boxes, I'd encouraged her to wait a couple of weeks.  "I'm not convinced that the cold snaps are over," I'd told her.  "I'd wait a couple of weeks." 

And then what did I do?  

I bet my friend is having to cover pots, too.  ;)


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