Thursday, June 4, 2015

Beans a-runnin'

It's been a week since the vegetable garden has had my attention.  This negligence is the fault of Mother Nature, whose intent seems to be to drown everything I've planted.  Most everything is a shocking chartreuse color, except the weeds and grass, but even they look a little pale.

But we've had a few sunny days in a row, and maybe a couple more down the road.  This evening, parts of the garden were dry enough to work, so I got busy.

Pulled grass from around the tomatoes and squash.  Dug trenches around each plant to hold 6/12/12 fertilizer, which I subsequently applied and covered with dirt.  Sprayed the tomatoes for blight.  When The Husband came home, he helped by doing a little weeding with Gloria, the tiny new tiller.

I feel so accomplished.  :)


Some of my tomatoes appear to have blossom end rot.  I can't remember whether this is the result of a fungus or a mineral deficiency (fixing to look it up).  If it's a fungus, hopefully the blight treatment will nix it.

And lets not talk about the beans & peas rows.  They are wet and grassy and will probably remain so for a few more days.  The Ford Hook butterbeans are putting out runners, though, and the green beans look like they're thinking about doing the same.  I'm anxious to see how these green beans do - I think they're called "Mascotte" beans.  They're supposed to bear their crop in the top of the plant, rather than underneath like most bush beans, making them easier to pick.  The plants look kind of stout in the middle, stocky, like they're about to blow out sideways instead of up.

I planted spinach, radishes, and lettuce in the horse trough a week or two ago.  It is all coming up and looking healthy.  Need to thin the radishes.

On the far edge of the garden, where I haven't planted anything yet, turnip greens from last year's seeding have come up.  I walked that strip today and noted that there are enough greens for a meal, so Sunday, I'm going to pick a mess and have them for supper.

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