Monday, July 10, 2017

From the back porch - July 10, 2017.

Three days since the last snake incident, and I am almost comfortable sitting on the piazza without a pistol in my lap.  We figure that Mr. Snake must have come through the hole in the screen door.  It's a big hole - actually just a place where the screen has come loose from the frame.  We've repaired it several times, already, but it keeps coming loose.  Probably that snake actually LIVED behind that cabinet and kept battering holes in the screen door with his head so he could get in and out when he needed to.

Okay, maybe not.


We loaded up and went to the hardware store, and bought ourselves a new screen door.  It is the Fort Knox of screen doors.  The frame is metal - no more warping, hopefully - and so is the screen.  It has a hydraulic thing that will make it whoooooosh closed instead of SLAMming closed, which will make The Husband happy.

I might kind of miss the slam.

But I won't miss the snakes.

The last time I checked the garden (Friday afternoon, prior to the snake-fest), it was drowning.  The tomatoes and peppers are just limp.  Green beans growing, but not blooming.  Purple hull peas beginning to bloom.  I picked a sack full of crookneck squash and three big zucchini (dang, those things grew in three days!) and a good many cucumbers.  Nanny took some of the squash, and I headed up the driveway with three grocery bags full of vegetables, wondering what I was going to do with it all.  I gave the squash and cucumbers to a neighbor who happened to be out in the yard.  I brought the zucchini home and eventually made bread with it.

I should've kept the cucumbers.  We need pickles.

I bet I know where I can get more.  ;)

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