Saturday, April 14, 2018

Kenzie's Quilt - 4/14/18


The macrame project discussed in my previous post remains unfinished.  (Act surprised.) 

The actual macrame part is finished, but the finishing is not finished.  Here's the deal: 

The instructions suggested un-twisting the long, dangling ends of the cords.  I liked the look, so I pulled a chair up to the project and picked up a cord - one of the short ones, about 6" long.  To my surprise, I discovered that the cotton rope I had used was actually braided, not twisted, over a nylon cord.  I was able to un-braid it with a tiny crochet hook.  As you might imagine, this took a while, and I pondered whether or not I had the staying power to do all the ropes.  I liked the look of the un-braided strings, though, and decided to go for it.  I snipped out the nylon cord and moved to the next braid.  To cut to the chase, this un-braiding process created a myriad of problems.  The longest cords (of which there are many) are LONG; they don't un-braid in a minute, like the short ones do.  The nylon core "stumps" that remain in the knotted part cause problems; some of them slid out on their own initiative, while others stubbornedly refused to budge. 

The project remains half-un-braided, and draped over a chair (with a bunch of other junk) in a spare bedroom.  It can be salvaged, I think, but I am not in the mood to fool with it. 

Besides, I have another project I need to do.

I must make quilts for two granddaughters.

Granddaughter McKenzie's quilt is up next.  I took her to the fabric store and asked her to pick ONE fabric for her quilt.  She picked a bold neon stripe on a black background.  Since then, I have been pondering how to use it.  Inspiration struck Thursday afternoon.  I shopped for complementary fabrics yesterday.  The fabrics have been washed, dried, starched and iron.  Let the sewing begin!


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