Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Nanny stopped by my house today and said that she has picked a bucket of cucumbers, a bucket of tomatoes, and a bucket of squash. (Guess that rain helped, huh?) Based on prior experience, these buckets could be anything from 1-gallon ice cream containerd to 5-gallon tubs.

Looks like I'd best be laying in some canning supplies. I have the jars and the lids, but no pickling spices. My water-bath canner sat outside on the patio all winter and rusted; I'll need a new one. I want a food dehydrator to try on the Juliette tomatoes. (Someone once gave me one of those things, back before I started gardening; I probably moved it from cabinet to cabinet for a few years, then chunked it.)

You might know that this would happen when I am busier at work than I've been all year.

Since the rain, the squash seeds I planted over a week ago have sprouted. I'm seeing little stuff with red stems in the row where I planted the beet seeds, so maybe they're coming up, too. No sign of the #(@!*&% carrots, yet. I hear they take a little longer to sprout.

Two of my tomato plants up and died. They just wilted, as if they'd been cut. I heaved them up and tossed them over the hill, tomatoes and all, for fear of blight. Let's hope they didn't start a trend.

1 comment:

  1. Could've brought you a case of new jars/lids, some packets of stuff for salsa, and a deep pan with a "jar grabber."

    Free to a good home.
