Sunday, July 19, 2009

APB for Eggplant Pasta Recipe

I wasn't going to grow eggplants this year. No one in this family actually likes eggplant; we just sort of tolerate it if it's been battered and fried, or smothered in some spicy sauce that disguises the taste (or, rather, gives it some taste).

But my sister-in-law found me in the garden early this season and said she'd like to have some eggplants, as she'd seen someone on TV make pasta out of it and wanted to give it a try. I bought a 9-pack of plants. Right now, they are all busting their chops producing fruit.

Two weeks ago, I told my sister-in-law, "Your eggplants are ready," but she did not come to get them. A week ago, she told me that she could not find the recipe for eggplant pasta. I've been helping her search, and I can't find one, either.

Now, I am not talking about substituting eggplant for pasta, as with low carb recipes that use thinly-sliced eggplant instead of lasagna noodles. I am talking about using eggplant as an ingredient in pasta dough. If I had any experience making pasta, I might wade in and try to invent something. But I'm chicken, and I don't have time to waste right now.

So, if any of you know where I can find a recipe for pasta dough that uses eggplant, please hook me up.


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