Saturday, March 1, 2014

Early Progress

I managed to get The Husband out of the recliner this morning by threatening to go to shopping for a new lawn sweeper without him.  He got up, put on his shoes, and off we went.  We shopped, had lunch, then came home and started assembling the sweeper.  It wasn't as bad as we expected.  Either this model was easier to assemble than the last one, or the instructions were better.  In any case, I swept up most of the remaining leaves in the yard and dumped them in the garden.  After that, I prepared another row for "no-till" gardening.  So far, I've done about half the garden, and that's all that may get done this year.  I'm worried that I started too late, that the soil won't be soft and ready in six weeks when it's time to start planting.

While we were shopping, I noticed that the garden center had gotten in some plants.  I bought a package of brussel sprout plants and a Mediterranean White Heather.  I set them on a patio chair while we assembled the sweeper.  It wasn't long before The Husband said, "Look at the bees in the heather."  Sure enough, it was crawling with honey bees.  It amazed us that they discovered the heather so quickly.  We tried to figure out where they were coming from, but couldn't. 

The broccoli plants I started last week are growing well.  It took them about three days to sprout.  I've got my Ott sewing lamp shining on them, hoping to give them enough light to keep them from getting leggy.  The brussels sprouts may have to join them under the lamp.  We've had pretty weather for the past couple of days, but it's supposed to get crazy again tomorrow or Monday.  Have I said, yet, how sick I am of this winter?

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