Friday, March 4, 2016

Yard Work

Ok, the sprucing-up of the yard has begun.  I feel right accomplished.

This week, I have cut the dead rose bush off the wrought-iron arch, raked the leaves out of the fern bed, painted the arch, painted the kids' rocking chair, planted hosta, lilies, ferns, daylilies, larkspur seeds, and hollyhocks.  Most of the stuff I planted came from the garden department at the get-it-all store - you know what I'm talking about, those green bags with two or three roots or bulbs, some viable, some duds.  I feel pretty good about this batch; everything still seemed to have a little life left in it, so maybe it will grow.

I painted my arch lavender.  It had a certain je ne sais quois in its rusted state, but if it had gone much longer without a new coat of paint, it probably would have crumbled.  Not sure about the lavender, though.  May have to change that.

The headless cherub fountain in the fern bed fell over last summer, and I left it where it fell until today.  Dug it out, and discovered that the middle bowl had shattered to smithereens when it toppled.  The headless cherub is now wingless, as well.  Looks like time to retire the cherub fountain.  I went fountain shopping this afternoon to see what is out there.  Might go get one tomorrow, while The Husband's truck is home.

Oh, and I planted grass seeds, too.  Correction:  I scattered grass seeds over bare ground and then walked on them to smush them in.  Might work, if the birds don't eat up all the seeds.

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