Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Garden Report - 7/10/2018

The new belt for the black tiller was in the mailbox today.  I took it down to the shop and laid it near the toolbox, then went to work in the garden for a bit.

The pitiful row of butterbeans has been choked with grass for two weeks.  I have spent my energy elsewhere in the garden, since only 12 plants or so had sprouted on the 60-foot row, but the rest of the garden was in pretty good shape today, so I went to work pulling up grass from around the beans. 

Nanny came out to the garden after a bit, and we discussed the cucumbers.  The vines are producing fairly well - we're harvesting a dozen or so every couple of days - but the cucumbers are trying to turn yellow before they get very large.  Today, there were a good many that were the perfect size for pickles, but Nanny wants to make cucumber relish, and she likes big ones for that, but not big yellow ones.  I am afraid that if we try to let them get much bigger, they'll go yellow, first, so I suggested that we go ahead and pick the biggest ones and refrigerate them until we get more.  She didn't much like the idea, but she agreed, and we picked a shopping bag full.  I still don't understand her reluctance to use 20 medium cucumbers instead of 10 big ones in her relish. 

After about two hours in the garden, I decided to call it a day.  When I got back to my house, The Husband was home from work.  As I was taking off my gloves and my gardening apron, I said to him, "The tiller belt came in today." 

He said, not sarcastically, "Oh, good." 

I said, "I took it to the shop and laid it on top of the toolbox, so it'll be handy in case you get a sudden urge to fix something."

He gave me The Look.

I just ignored it, and went to the bathroom to wash my nasty feet. 

The urge to fix something did not arrive this evening. 

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