Saturday, October 28, 2023

Saturday, October 28, 2023

Yesterday was a busy day from the get-go.  Daughter-in-law had asked me to drive her to a 7:30 a.m. medical appointment.  I'd need to be at her house by 7.  I woke up early and got up, showered, dressed, and was ready to go by a little after 5.  

We arrived at the appointment on time, but the office wasn't open.  When my daughter-in-law re-checked her notes, she discovered that the appointment wasn't until 8.  We drove to a nearby convenience store for some breakfast and ate in the car while we waited for the office to open.  It was close to 11:00 by the time we finished at the doctor's office.  

Meanwhile, The Husband was texting me about picking him up from an appointment he'd made to have his truck tuned up.  And the daughter-in-law had asked if I would drive her to a store in town to pick up a t-shirt, and if she could come back home with us so that she could use my t-shirt press.  So when we left the doctor's office, we picked up The Husband, went to the t-shirt store, and came home to do the t-shirt pressing.  I had to straighten up the sewing/craft/office room before she could start, as all of the surfaces were littered with my half-finished paintings.  It was about 3:30 by the time I took the daughter-in-law home.

A few minutes after I got back home, The Sister-in-Law texted to see if we wanted to go to the Mexican restaurant with her and her husband.  We did, as we do nearly every Friday night.  And since everyone was already off work for the day, we were able to get there a little earlier than usual.  Our waitress was new to the restaurant and had a little trouble getting our order correct.  She brought me a margarita on the rocks instead of the frozen margarita I'd ordered, and when she brought the food, there was no dinner for my sister-in-law.  We cut her some slack, knowing that she was new to the job.  We did notice that our margaritas were not as strong as usual (our "regular" waiters usually hook us up with stiff drinks), but that was okay with me, as last week's margarita had nearly laid me out.

We were home by 7 p.m., which is about the time we usually sit down to eat.  I would have gone straight to bed if it hadn't been so early.  I managed to hold out until 9, when I crawled in bed with my book.

I am reading the newly-published book about Mitt Romney, am about halfway through it.  Most of my reading occurs at bedtime and usually last about 10 minutes before the Kindle hits me in the face or falls to the floor, so getting to the end of any book is slow going.  This one is pretty interesting, though, and might even get a little daytime attention.

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