Monday, January 27, 2014


One cold, drizzly day last fall, a friend and I went to a butter- and cheese-making class at a local farm.  During a break, we overheard a gentleman telling another gentleman that he had been drinking some stuff called "kefir," and that since he had been drinking it, his blood pressure and cholesterol levels had gone to normal, and he had not had any trouble with heartburn.  My friend and I looked at each other with our ears perked up.  Both of us have been eating over-the-counter antacid tablets and capsules for years.  My friend even takes prescription-strength heartburn medicine.  We insinuated ourselves into his conversation, trying to find out what kefir was and where we'd get some.

It turns out that kefir is fermented milk.  The fermentation process begins with kefir "grains" - they're not a true grain; they just call them grains because they're grainy - little clumps of bacteria and yeasts.  The man said that we could order them in dehydrated form online, or he would give us some of his grains (they grow over time and produce enough to share).  I decided to order some grains and have been making kefir since October.

Kefir has a consistency that is much like buttermilk.  It tastes a little like buttermilk, too, or plain yogurt.  I kind of wrinkled my nose up at my first taste of the stuff but quickly got used to it.  I'm addicted to it now.

I can't personally testify to kefir's effectiveness in lowering cholesterol or blood pressure (there are studies online that you can read, both pro and con).  I CAN personally testify to almost complete relief from heartburn when I drink 1/2 cup of kefir on a daily basis.  I can also testify to a serious reduction in irritable bowel symptoms.

I can also testify to the fact that it makes KILLER cornbread.  Seriously.  KILLER.  Just use it in place of the milk in the recipe (you might need a little more kefir than milk to make the batter wet enough because the kefir is thicker).  The taste is not much different, but the texture is heavenly.  There are also recipes online for making loaves of bread with kefir.  I tried it, both with whole wheat flour and with all-purpose flour.  Because it has to sit for a long time to rise, the kefir flavors the bread much more strongly than it flavors the stir-it-up-and-cook-it cornbread.  Kefir bread is dense and tastes a lot like sourdough bread.  The crust is a little tough, but it's good.

Of course, cooking the kefir robs it of its probiotic properties, but it's a good way to use up surplus kefir.

In two minutes, a pineapple upside-down cake made with kefir will be coming out of my oven.  I bet it's going to rock.

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