Wednesday, June 7, 2017

From the Piazza - June 7

The wrens that occupied the (supposedly) see-through bird house on my living room window have raised one crop of babies this year and are back (at least I assume it's the same ones) for Round 2.  I say "supposedly" because the see-through function doesn't work for wrens.  They build orb-shaped nests, with side entrances.  They have effectively built a privacy fence between them and my window, and I can't see what's going on inside the nest, dang it. 

I did not know that birds raise more than one set of babies per season, but there is new chirping going on in the bird house, multiple voices, though not as many as before.  Watching the two parents taking turns zooming in with bugs in their beaks, I wonder how they can keep straight which kids have been fed. 

I should be working in the garden instead of writing about it.  It is an absolutely gorgeous day - sunny, but not too hot and not too humid, and a nice breeze - perfect for gardening.  Also perfect for sitting on the piazza, drinking tea and blogging.  After supper, or maybe before, I'm going to make myself get up and plant the six tomato plants that have lived on my front porch for a week, if the ground is not too wet. 

The peas I re-planted on two weeks ago are up, but only half of each row sprouted.  The north end of the garden is low, and stands in water long after the rest of the garden has dried.  Leaving the middles unplowed seems to have sped up the drying time, but not enough to save the seeds from drowning.  I need about a dump-truck full of good dirt to level up that end of the garden, but it would probably wash away without a retainer wall to hold it.

If the ground is not too wet, I may replant the peas.  Again. 

The fertilizing I did on May 23 seems to have helped the tomatoes.  They look greener and less pissed-off.  They are beginning to bear (we could have a mess of fried green tomatoes for supper if I were willing to sacrifice a shorter wait for a home-grown tomato & mayonnaise sandwich).  I should probably fertilizer them again this evening. 

Dang, it appears that the longer I sit here, the more work I'll think up.  I should go, before my to-do list gets any longer!

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