Wednesday, August 23, 2017

First Canning - August 22

I had a "Maytag Repairman" sort of day at work yesterday - no one called, no one stopped by.  Knowing this would be the case, I took a big pan of green beans to snap.

Snapping beans is something that you can let your hands do while your mind does other things, like watch movies, or engage in conversation.  Since I didn't have anybody to talk to, I watched YouTube videos - specifically, beginner mandolin lessons.  (I told you I got a mandolin, didn't I?) 

I ended up with 14 pints of green beans, but getting there was a chore!  I hurried home from work to wash the beans and get them in the jars.  My jars were washed and ready, but as I was preparing to scald them and the lids, I realized that all of the jars had regular-sized mouths, and all of my lids were for wide-mouth jars.  By that time, I'd already started the beans to boil.  Had to turn off the burners and run to the store for lids.  Instead of dragging the big canner out of the attic, I decided to use the appliance I bought last year - a slow-cooker/pressure canner that sits on the countertop like a crock pot, which I'd never used for canning.  Couldn't find the right rack, had to improvise.  Couldn't get the lid on.  Couldn't get the timer set right and had to process the first batch TWICE to get the right amount of time.  Thankfully, the second batch was easier. 

And while all of this was going on, I was trying to cook supper, answer the phone, answer texts, etc.  It's a miracle I didn't blow up the kitchen.

Some of the water boiled out of the jars on the first batch.  The jars sealed, but I don't like the fact that some of the beans are now above the level of the liquid, so I will be giving those away today, with instructions to eat them right away and give me back my jars.  ;)

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