Saturday, December 11, 2021

Oh, what a night! - December 11, 2021

Last evening, as I was sitting on the porch, relaxing after our trip, Granddaughter #1 texted me a picture of a gray shirt featuring three Christmas-y gnomes wearing red/black buffalo plaid hats.  The message was, "Can you make this?  I have the shirts."

Of course, I said, "Sure."  

My first thought was to embroider the gnomes.  I already had an embroidery file for 3 Christmas gnomes, these wearing candy-striped hats and holding candy canes.  I texted a picture to the Granddaughter and asked if those gnomes would do, and she said they would.  It then occurred to me that the embroidery design might be too dense to put on t-shirts.  I asked her if the shirts she has are t-shirts or sweatshirts.  She said they're t-shirts.  

Nix the embroidery idea.  Move to heat-press vinyl.  

Long story short, I'm not all that experienced with heat-press vinyl or the tools to create the design, and the design is a hard one (for me).  I fooled around with various methods until almost midnight and never did get a vinyl design that will work.

Meanwhile, a digitizing customer sent a message requesting some edits to a machine embroidery file she bought from me.  She needs it right away to make Christmas gifts.  I stopped vinyl-ing and started the digitizing.

MEANWHILE, a terrific storm brewed.  We'd figured it was coming when we came home to 80-degree temperatures.  Sure enough, about 6 p.m., weather alerts sounded.  There was one tornado alert after another.

When I went to bed at midnight, The Husband was snoring peacefully, storm or no storm.  Normally, I would've been doing the same thing, but I was hyped-up from all the unsuccessful craft attempts and could not go to sleep.  I lay there listening to the wind blow, to the emergency sirens wailing (audible from 5 miles away), to the rain pelting against the window.  There's a military base not far away, and the fly boys love to zoom around in storms (practicing, I guess), and they were hot at it last night about midnight.  Every time one flew over, I was sure it was a tornado.

This morning, I don't know if there were any tornadoes in our area.  Sadly, others north and west of us were not so lucky.  My heart aches for the people who lost lives and homes in the storm.

Heartache or no, I've got to get busy gnoming.

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