Friday, March 11, 2022

Mission Accomplished - March 11, 2022

Yesterday morning, I headed out in the truck loaded with Melvie's collections.  I thought the antique mall opened at 10, but I was wrong; the sign on the door said 11.  An hour was just enough time to drive home, pee, and drive back.  But since I didn't need to pee, I stayed put.  11 came and went.  I called.  No answer.  I sent a text.  It came back undelivered.  Finally, about 11:30, one of the owners rolled up and let me inside.  She was supposed to have cleaned out a place for Melvie's stuff but hadn't gotten around to it.  While I brought in boxes, she cleared the area.  Even with the stuff already priced, it took two hours to unpack everything for display.  There was just enough room for everything.

Thirty copper music boxes shaped like barns and windmills and dump trucks and out-houses and . . . .  

A collection of "Dolls of the Month", plus more music boxes.

Musical dolls, more music boxes.  Those creepy, gyrating clown music boxes are on top.

When I came home, I tried out the new bread machine that had been delivered the previous day.  It has been my dream to bake an edible loaf of home-made whole wheat bread.  Over the years, I've tried many times, but my only success had come from a box.  This time, I was determined to produce a perfect loaf.  I exactly followed the recipe that came with the machine.

It didn't happen.  

For a short while, it looked promising.  The bread rose nicely.  It smelled heavenly.  But somewhere near the end of the process, the edges of the bread stuck to the bucket while the center sank.  The result was a dense loaf with a crisp-edged crater in the center.  PLUS the paddle that kneads the bread got baked into the loaf, and I had to dig it out with a tool that came with the machine.

We ate a slice for dinner.  It tasted okay, but it was mighty chewy.

I might try again today since I have more flour and yeast.


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