Saturday, November 26, 2022

Thanksgiving - November 26,, 2022

We had a really nice Thanksgiving Day.  My brother invited us to his house for a mid-day meal.  Both of his children and their offspring were there, as was my sister and her daughter.  We had a lot of good food, and after the meal, my brother wanted to show his wife how to play "Pitch," a card came that my parents and their friends used to enjoy.  It had been years since we'd played, and we weren't exactly certain of the rules.  Several years ago, both my brother and I searched the internet for Pitch rules but could not find any.  Eventually, we simply agreed on what rules we remembered and played a few hands.  I'm not sure our rules were "regulation," but we had fun. On the way home, I googled the game and found rules on different variations of the game.  I don't think our rules fit any of the variations!

Later in the evening, we went to Son #2's house for dinner.  His wife's family was there, too, so they had a houseful, but it was nice.  All of our grandchildren and step-grandchildren (except for one) were there.  It was good to have them all under the same roof for a while.

Yesterday, I was a slug.  Spent part of the day working on lessons for some classes I am taking, and the rest of the day I read in my recliner.  Didn't leave the property all day - no Black Friday shopping for me!  Ain't leaving it today, either.  ;)

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