Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Sunday afternoon I spotted a few early garden plants outside a store, and I grabbed up 9-packs of broccoli, red cabbage, and brussels sprouts, and a small bag of onion sets. I really didn't want nine of everything, but it seems that's how they're being packaged these days. I brought them home and set them on the patio table, hoping to keep them alive until I could get them in the ground.

Yesterday on my way home from work, I briefly considered planting everything that afternoon. It was easy to talk myself out of the notion, especially when I remembered that rabbits ate last year's first planting of cabbage and broccoli. We put wire cages around the few plants that they missed, but I don't have 27 (9 x 3) cages. My sister suggested that I buy some garden nets to spread over the rows. Good idea!

Naturally, I forgot to shop for garden nets before I came home today - thought about it as I was about 10 miles out of town. And it's supposed to rain tomorrow, and again Saturday, dang-it.

I argued with myself all the way home about whether or not I should plant everything today. If I plant those things today, without covering them up, the rabbits will eat them - probably tonight. Well, maybe there aren't any rabbit dens close by the early garden. (Last year's plants were in the big garden, near the woods.) If I don't plant them today, it'll be too wet for several days. If I don't plant them SOON, they'll probably die in the packages....

So I compromised, and planted 4 of each plant, daring the bunnies.

And now that I've cleaned the mud off my shoes and out from under my fingernails, I've remembered that I didn't plant the onions. So back to the garden I go.

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