Monday, March 22, 2010

High-Tech Gardening

Pop-Pop bought himself a trail camera - you know, one of those motion-detecting things that hunters use to spy on their hunting spots when they're not around. He had my brother-in-law strap it to a tree near the south end of the big garden. He said he's going to use it to find out what all is eating our garden, once we have stuff in it to eat. He said the flash might even run off some animals before they make it to the garden. It's been out there for two or three days, already.

Yesterday, while we were at his house, he said he was having trouble viewing the pictures. The camera doesn't have a viewing screen. It stores the pictures on an SD card, but neither his computer nor his printer has an SD card slot. My husband came home and got our laptop, which does have an SD card slot, and took it back to Pop-Pop's so we could view the pictures.

The camera had taken pictures of my brother-in-law as he was affixing it to the tree. It had taken pictures of a cat, one rabbit, then three rabbits, and a whole bunch of distant, unidentifiable glow-in-the-dark eyes. It had taken pictures of me and Nanny as we were raking up the last of the debris from last year's garden.

Nanny and I have made mental notes not to point our rear ends to the south as we're bending over in the garden this year.

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