Saturday, August 20, 2011

Tiling the Shower (The Finale)

I was reminded this week that I never wrote the rest of the story of the shower tiling project. 

There is a reason for this - the not writing, that is.

You see, ten years ago, we undertook another do-it-(partly)-yourself project, a bedroom/bathroom addition.  In fact, that project involved the very bathroom that has been the subject of these posts.  Now, we didn't do much of this project, only simple things like painting and trim work.  As of this writing, that project still is not quite finished after all these years.  The Husband cut and painted the baseboards for the bathroom, set them in place against the walls, but never nailed them to the wall.  Why this occurred (or, rather, didn't occur) is still a mystery.  As we started the tiling project, I said to him, "When we finish tiling, we need to nail those (#!@ baseboards to the walls."  Having spoken the words that added that step to the process, in my mind the shower project won't officially be finished until the (#!@ baseboards are nailed to the walls.

Nevertheless, we are showering in it.  Here it is:

The Husband took over the final stages of the project.  He did the grouting and sealing and installed the final trim pieces.  There is still a place or two where I think we should add some trim work, just to spiff it up a bit, but that may never happen. 

As you can see, we haven't installed a shower door yet, and we probably never will.  (I'm thinking it'll be a lot easier to periodically replace a slimy shower curtain than to keep a glass door free of soap scum.) 

Am I 100% satisfied with our work?  No, just 99%.  The tile job is not perfect, but it ain't bad for amateurs.  We had to replace a small strip of sheetrock near the ceiling, and we still haven't painted it, but I hereby vow (and you are my witness!) that we will do it.

And we might even nail the baseboards to the walls while we're at it.  ;)

* * * * * * * *

In the garden, the tomatoes continue to ripen.  Nanny canned a load of them earlier in the week.  I should go to the garden this morning to see if more are ready, for I haven't put up nearly enough spaghetti sauce and salsa.  The okra continues to churn out pods at an astonishing rate.  The cucumbers, squash, and blackeyed peas have about pooped out.  I planted more squash seeds a few weeks ago, and those plants have begun to bloom and produce squash, but they are only making a half-hearted effort.  Who could blame them in all this heat?  Some time in the next couple of weeks, I am going to pull up the pea vines and plow those rows for greens.  The corn plants have small ears on them.  So far, the stalks are still standing, but I know in my heart that the raccoons are watching, waiting to harvest the ears one day before I do. 


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