Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Re-Planted the Squash

It appeared that those first few squash plants that sprouted were the only ones that intended to sprout, so today I re-planted the row.  As I was arranging the dirt, I uncovered a few swollen seeds that had run out a tap root.  I just dropped a few new seeds around them and re-covered them.

The butterbeans and cucumbers are coming up.  The corn is, too - it's about 3" tall.  The tomatoes have begun to bloom, even those "volunteer" tomatoes that shivered through the "blackberry winter" we had a couple of weeks ago. 

Nearly every chunk of the potatoes we planted has sprouted.  It's funny that in every year when we've "babied" the potato seedlings, cutting them just so, letting them heal, planting them with cottonseed meal to prevent rotting, we've had a pitiful showing, yet this year's crop, which we hacked up and stuffed in the ground without ceremony, is doing great (so far). 

Two blackberry bushes came in the mail today.  I'd be out there planting them, except that it looks like it's fixin' to rain (which figures, since I watered the garden really, really well two days ago), and I've got supper going on the stove.  Since the blackberry bushes were The Husband's idea, I may let him do the honors after we eat, if this cloud passes over without favoring us with a shower.

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