Sunday, December 11, 2022

What the Dickens? - Dec. 11, 2022

Well, we did it.  

I'd been dreading it for days, weeks, even.  How did they talk me into this?  It must have been because I was new on the job and hated to turn down a request.

So, yesterday morning, despite the rain, we got in the car and drove to town to do our civic duty - parading around the square in Dickens-era costumes for the annual Dickens Christmas on the Square.

Bah!  Humbug!

Our costumes were waiting for us at the Chamber of Commerce.  My dress had so many layers that I could hardly figure out how to get into it.  And that hoop skirt!  Did Dickens-era women even wear those?  My dress was a little too long, and I almost tripped over the hem before we even got out of the building.

We set out walking a little after 10 a.m.  It was sprinkling rain.  We ducked into every store on the square, more for respite from the rain than to visit the store owners.  Thank goodness for the wool Dickens-ish cape I've had for years.

By 11, it was raining pretty steadily.  The hem of my dress got soaking wet.  I stumbled over it a dozen more times before calling it quits.

Not since the day of our wedding has our picture been taken so many times.

About 11:45, I said to The Husband, I HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS.  We made our way back to the Chamber of Commerce, intending to turn in our costumes and get the heck out of there.  But the building was locked.  Intending to just take the costumes home and bring them back Monday, we headed to the car.  But...the hoop skirt.  How would I get in the car?  I popped into a store and used their dressing room to de-hoop myself.  Thankfully, before we got out of town, I saw people going into the Chamber building.  We hurried in, de-costumed, and headed home.

The Husband, who is a much more sociable person than I am, claimed to have had fun.

Some people.  ;)

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