Saturday, December 31, 2022

New Year's Comin' - December 31, 2022

New Year's Day dinner is well under way.  Cabbage rolls, ready to bake.  Blackeyed peas soaking.  A chess pie and a chocolate pie done.  A daughter-in-law is bringing turnip greens.  Tomorrow, I'll make a pineapple casserole and some cornbread.

I was going to sprinkle a little cornmeal in my chess pie, but there was an issue.  Because The Husband and I have been on a low-carb diet for the past 6 months or so, the cornmeal canister hasn't been opened in months.  When I opened it at Christmas to make dressing, there were BUGS in it.  Now, this is one of those canisters with a sealed lid that latches down with a metal latch.  Those bugs had to have been in that cornmeal when I got it; I don't think they could've burgled into the canister.  I dumped the cornmeal outside, washed out the canister, put a fresh bag of cornmeal in it, and went on with the dressing.  This morning when I opened the canister, the cornmeal was GREEN.  MOLDED!  Needless to say, that cornmeal did not go into the pie.  

The Husband is on his way to the grocery store with a list.  There's still the cornbread to make.

We're planning on a quiet New Year's Eve, as usual.  I'm cooking a few nibble foods for tonight, and there's a jar of margarita mix waiting in the refrigerator.  I've invited my margarita-drinking sister-in-law and her husband to test the mix with me, but she's a nurse and might be working today, so it may be just us chickens to ring in the New Year.

What a difference a week makes.  This time last week, the temperature was in the low teens, and a sharp wind was blowing.  Today, it's almost 60 degrees, and I've had the back door open to let in some fresh air.  It will be okay with me if we don't get any more frigid temps this winter.

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