Sunday, October 13, 2024

Sunday - October 13, 2024

Around lunchtime Friday, my daughter-in-law texted me to ask if I would make her a meatloaf. She'd had surgery a day or two earlier and wasn't up to cooking.  I did not mind making her a meatloaf - as a matter of fact, I should have done it without being asked -but I selfishly wondered if I would be able to do it in time to get my Friday night margarita freak on.  We'd missed two or three consecutive Friday margarita nights in a row, and I was especially looking forward to this one.

After work, I rushed to the grocery store for ingredients and then hurried home to start cooking.  By 4:15, I was pulling into her driveway to deliver the meal - meatloaf, creamed potatoes from scratch, green beans, rolls, and a store-bought cake for dessert - plenty of time left to come home, shower, dress, and be ready for dinner by 6.  Easy, peasy.  There was even time to prep the morning coffee and turn down the bed.

The Husband has been told not to let me have two margaritas at dinner, but he cannot be depended on to enforce it (as if he really could).  When the waiter asked if we wanted another margarita, I said, "YES!" and The Husband did not even remind me.  He'd had a tough week, and he wanted another one, too.  I don't know about him, but I could not have passed a field sobriety test when we left the restaurant.  Thankfully, we had a designated driver.  I went to bed as soon as we got home.  Woke up about 3 a.m. with a headache.  (Imagine that.)  Two Tylenols, big glass of water, back to bed.  

Yesterday morning wasn't nearly as nasty as I feared.

I wanted to just sit on the back porch and paint (or watch somebody else paint on YouTube) all day, but we had stuff to do.  Granddaughter #2 and family have gone with to an out-of-state band competition, and they needed us to go let the dogs out to pee.  We also needed to run by the hardware store for a switch for the dryer.  Since we were going to town, anyway, I decided to stop by the grocery store for a ham to bake.  I sent some to the post-surgical daughter-in-law and will take some to the post-band trip daughter-in-law later today.  There's enough left for our dinner tonight, plus some "nubs" for cooking with beans, which are soaking as I write.

I really, really want to paint today.  Friday I learned that the woman who teaches the painting class I was attending (back in the spring) lost a sister, a daughter, and a husband to separate illnesses, all in one month.  I want to paint a sympathy card for her.  It's probably going to take 14 tries before I get one that's reasonably nice.  And I'll probably screw that one up when I write the message inside.

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