Monday, December 29, 2008


Over a holiday dinner, Pop-Pop said to me, "I think our next garden ought to be bigger."

I think if our garden gets any bigger, we're going to have to hire help to work it.

However, rumor has it that Pete (down the road) wants a bigger tractor tiller, and might be willing to trade his smaller tractor tiller for a piece of farm equipment that sits dormant behind Pop-Pop's shed. If we get a tractor tiller, and I can learn to work it, it's on.

Yesterday, after another dinner at Nanny's, I went out to the garden to find out what happened to the two experimental brussels sprouts I planted last summer. (When I checked on them in October, worms had eaten them to skeletons, but they looked like they might have been about to put out new leaves.) One of the plants was D.O.A., but the other is still chugging along, with marble-sized sprouts along its stem.

The sweet peas are goners.

The mustard, turnips, and kale could probably still be eaten.

Rabbits ate the spinach. It's putting on new leaves, though. Bon appetit, bunnies.
