Monday, September 24, 2012

Cool-Weather Plants

Saturday I planted the broccoli and brussels sprouts that I started indoors a while  back.  They've been living on my front porch for a few weeks, where they've been getting serious afternoon sun.  I hope they like their new digs.

Today I planted turnips, mustard greens, kale, spinach, and collards.  The spinach seeds were left-overs from some previous year; time will tell if they're still viable.  I also planted radishes and beets.

It may be too late in the year for everything but the greens, but there's no harm in trying, right? 

Oh, and NEWSFLASH!  We have carrots!  Not just little matchstick-sized things, either, but full-fledged carrots.  It's a gardening first for me.