Monday, November 11, 2013

Closed for the Season

I'm guessing my garden has about 36 more hours before it's "curtains" for the season.  Tomorrow night's temperatures are predicted to be in the 20s.

Yesterday, The Husband picked the remaining chili peppers and bell peppers.  There are a few green tomatoes left on the vines.  An industrious person would probably be combining the peppers and tomatoes into a delicious green tomato relish.  I never claimed to be industrious. 

Last week, the farmer cut the soybeans in the field next to my garden.  With that food-source buffer gone, the next day, the deer ate the peas and beans in the garden that were almost ready to pick.  I'd hope it gave them stomach aches, except for that word "almost"; tomorrow night's freeze would have taken them out, anyway, so it's just as well that the critters got some benefit from them.

Deer must not like turnip and mustard greens, for they are still standing.  An industrious person would pick a "mess" today (before the freeze), cook them, and put them in the freezer for Thanksgiving dinner.  See above.