Monday, October 31, 2011

Chili Kohlrabi Rellenos

Um...yeah.  Chili kohlrabi rellenos.  They're in the oven now. 

You see, I rode my bike down to the garden this evening to see what was happening.  Though I haven't done much writing about the garden for a couple of months, things have been clicking along.  When the summer heat relented, the tomatoes and peppers kicked into high gear.  Every week, I've harvested enough tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants to make sauces for supper and to freeze.  The tomatoes are getting a little "nubby," but the peppers are in their prime.  The limbs of the Big Jim pepper plant were bent and broken with the weight of the peppers.  I wanted to leave them to turn red, but we've had a few very cool nights lately, and I decided to get most of them before the frost does.

And when I turned around, behold, there sat the two kohlrabi plants, planted on the summer solstice, that had managed to escape the varmits and our hoes.  Since I'd paid them any attention, they had each grown themselves a nice green bulb - the size of a tennis ball - atop the ground.  They had big, spiky, collard-type leaves.  I pulled one of them up, root and all, but broke the other off at the ground to see if it will make again.

My original plan was to roast the Big Jim peppers and either pickle them or freeze them.  Before I made it back to the house with them, I decided I'd stuff them, instead. 

But what was I going to do with kohlrabi?  I'd never eaten the stuff.  I'd seen a few recipes on the internet.  None of them exactly turned my crank.  I peeled one and tasted it.  It was turnip-y, but surprisingly sweet, good enough to eat raw.  I chopped it into little cubes and decided that it could just go in the stuffed peppers, along with some tomatoes, onions, and cheese.  A few of the chopped leaves got tossed in, too, for color.  I wrapped two of the peppers in bacon, pinned on with toothpicks.

I'll let you know how they turn out.