Monday, September 26, 2022

Still Harvesting - September 26, 2022

Nanny told me several days ago that there were LOTS of bright red jalapeno peppers in the garden.  Every day, I've said I ought to go get them, but just haven't, until today.  A bunch of them were shriveled or about to shrivel, but I got enough firm ones to make a batch of pepper jelly, which I intend to do tomorrow after work.

The tomatoes are still going at it.  They've grown huge - far taller than their posts - and they've doubled over and kept growing.  The tomatoes at the top of the heap are too high for the critter to reach, and so we're actually getting a few usable ones for a change.  I picked everything that was even THINKING about turning red.  Gave Nanny the ripest ones to put in her freezer, and lined our back porch rails with the rest.  They should be ready to do something with by the weekend, if not sooner.

One thing I'll do with a few of them is stew them with the okra I cut today (and some garlic and onions).  

The garden is horribly grassy.  There are giant squash laying among it, and decomposing cucumbers.  I probably brought home a million chiggers.  

A week or two ago, I cut some hydrangea limbs away from our A/C unit, and I chopped them into about two dozen sections and planted them, hoping they'll root.  There were left-over limbs that didn't get chopped.  They've been in a bucket of water ever since.  I tried to give them away, but nobody came to get them, so yesterday I chopped another dozen clippings and started more.  Won't it be grand if they all live?  Hydrangeas for errrrrbody.  

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