Thursday, June 17, 2010

Second Squash

This evening, immediately after supper, I "suited up" in my gardening armour and went down to the big garden to do some maintenance.  I chopped the morning glories out of the beans and did a second planting of squash, this one on the back side of the garden.  The squash I planted two months ago is bearing, but a couple of the vines have wilted, and I'm worried that the rest will poop out.  Though I thought I had planted enough squash to feed the county, the kin-folks on (and off) the hill are keeping it picked clean.  I've never planted a second crop of squash, so I don't know how it will do.  There is plenty of summer left for it to mature, but there will be a bigger problem with bugs later in the season.  Wish me luck.

After planting the new squash seeds, I dragged out the waterhose and dampened the hills, hoping to encourage the seeds to sprout fast.  While I had the hose out, I watered the beans, the tomatoes, the peppers and eggplants, and the old squash vines.  Peppers of all descriptions love this soil for some reason.  We've been getting jalapenos for a few weeks now, and the bell pepper plants are loaded with baby peppers.  Tonight, when I watered the bell peppers, one was so heavy with fruit that it began to slowly keel over.  I'll have to prop it up with stakes tomorrow.

The tomatoes are beginning to ripen.  We're getting enough for sandwiches and salads, but not enough to put up in jars, yet.

I cut the first little batch of okra yesterday.

Black-eyed peas are blooming. 

Corn is a couple of inches tall.  The crows haven't discovered it, yet (knock on wood), but the raccoons are probably already planning their attack.

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