Monday, August 21, 2023

Back to Normal - August 21, 2023

Whew...last week was a whirlwind.

Granddaughters #2 and #3 went home Friday after school.  Their parents made it home just in time to pick them up.  Later in the day, Son #2 came to get all the stuff they left here, including Duffy the Cat.  Friday was a hard day for the parents, leaving their child at a school so far away, but they were also missing the ones they left with us, making coming home a little sweeter.

I was delighted to be rid of Duffy.  He is not trustworthy and will misbehave the minute no one is looking.  His heart's desire is to leap onto the living room windowsill, where there is a row of African violets to knock to the floor.  To keep him from doing that, I started bringing him out to the porch with me, where he can see birds, listen to frogs, and chase lizards that find their way past the screen doors.  He loves it.

Friday while we were on the porch, I decided to vacuum dust and spider webs from the corners.  Duffy was on the other side of the porch, staring at something through the screen.  When I turned on the vacuum cleaner, I saw a flash and heard the kitchen screen door slam, and looked around, and Duffy was scrambling up the screen door, frantically trying to get in the house (which he could not do because the "big door" was shut).  I grabbed my phone and recorded a minute-long video of his unsuccessful attempts, until he finally gave up and jumped down to the floor and hid.  When I began to vacuum, the rumble of the vacuum cleaner across the boards set him on another panic, a few seconds of which I managed to record.

His big heavy butt just about tore the screen plumb off the door.


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