Thursday, August 17, 2023

Granddaughter #3's stomachache abated somewhat mid-morning on Tuesday when her other grandmother offered to come get her for the afternoon and let her help paint a picnic table.  I was somewhat relieved, as I had already tried (without much success) to keep #3 occupied.  The truth was that #3 was missing her parents and was sad that her oldest sister had gone off to college, and there wasn't much I could do about that, short of driving her across the state to be with them.

#2 had a volleyball game Tuesday afternoon at 4:00.  I picked up her and a teammate, delivered them to the school, and stayed for the game.  This was the first volleyball game that I'd ever seen in person, and it was kind of exciting to watch.  Not knowing the rules, I was a little bewildered, but some veteran parents and grandparents helped explain things.  After the game, we grabbed some fast food and came home.

By this time, #3 had decided that she was going to spend the night with her other grandmother, who would take her to school the next morning.  Again, this was a relief, for the next day was my "office day," and I was worried about how I would get everyone (including myself) where they needed to be on time.  Delivering #2 to school and getting to the office on time was easy.

Mid-morning, I learned that #3 had developed another stomachache and was crying, but her mother had insisted that she stay at school, anyway.  The other grandmother picked her up from school.

I had to leave work a little early to get #2 to another volleyball game.  She had ridden the school bus to her house, so I picked her up there and delivered her to school, then went to pick up #3 at her grandmother's house.  #3 and I went back to school to wait for the volleyball game to end, then all three of us went out for dinner.  During dinner, we learned that their parents were not coming home the next day as originally planned, as they wanted to stay and meet #1's roommate, who wouldn't be there until Friday.  This news sent #3 into another tearful disappointment.  

At home, #3 started crying again at bedtime, missing her family.  We cuddled on the couch until she went to sleep.  She slept on the couch all night.  I slept very little.  

This morning, I had to get both girls to their schools (10 miles apart), so we had to get up and get moving a little earlier than usual.  I was worried that #3 would have another meltdown, but she didn't.  I think that, by this time, she is pissed.  When her mother called before we left for school, she sort of flung the phone away when the conversation ended., and I didn't see any tears when I dropped her off at school.

Surely her parents will be home some time tomorrow.  

They may be crying by then. 

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