Friday, September 18, 2020

 What a day yesterday was!

I was like a cat in a cage for most of it.

My younger son and his family were scheduled to move home from east Tennessee some time this weekend.  Their plan is to live with us until they can find a place of their own.  Their actual date of departure depended on when the moving company finished packing up their house.  When we heard from them Wednesday afternoon, they were expecting to be here today (Friday).  

For the past couple of weeks, we've been making room for the five of them.  We have two spare bedrooms.  Both closets were packed full of junk, some of it left over from 20 years ago, and some from our older son, who just recently moved into his own place.  We threw away and stashed and donated loads of stuff until we had two empty closets and two empty dressers.  

I went to work yesterday morning expecting to go to the grocery store after work.  Mid-morning, I bit into a Milk Dud, and part of my front tooth came off.  This tooth has been cracked for years, but the dentists have said, "Just leave it alone."  A couple of months ago, a little bit of the enamel chipped off.  The dentist said I'd need a bridge.  I'd just spent close to $2000 on another bridge.  I could not face more time in the dentist chair.  I asked her to just smooth the rough edges and let me go, for now.

When part of the tooth cracked off yesterday, I looked in the mirror and found that I had a gap as wide as the Mississippi between my two front teeth.  If I'd say words that began with "F" sounds, air would whoosh out.  It drove me crazy.  I called the dentist office, bracing myself for beginning a long-drawn out procedure, but the office wasn't open yesterday.  

I came on home and did some googling, and found out that the problem might be fixed with "bonding," which sounded much better than tooth extractions and bridges.  I called another dentist that I've used in the past.  They said that they'd had a cancellation and could work on me if I could come RIGHT NOW.  So I jumped in the car and drove back to town.  Less than an hour later, the problem was fixed.

Meanwhile, we got a text from the kids.  They were an hour away!  I stopped by a grocery store to get stuff for spaghetti and meatballs, and hurried home.  Soon, the young'uns were pulling in the driveway.  We started unloading their stuff immediately.

My house is wall-to-wall stuff.  We'll eventually get it all straightened out.  Meanwhile, it sure was nice to go to sleep with a bunch of granddaughters snoozing under my roof!

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