Sunday, September 13, 2020

Sewing on Sunday - September 13, 2020

One of my besties raises Golden Retrievers.   Her mama dogs are quite fertile, and have had as high as 13 pups per litter.  Once the puppies are mobile, my friend spends about 6 weeks doing nothing but cleaning up poop and bathing puppies.  Since she lives 300 miles from me, I rarely get to see her in person, and I've never seen any of the puppies (she doesn't need a visitor with all that going on).  I keep telling her that she ought to just let those bitches birth those puppies under the shed, but she won't listen to me.  <shrug>

My friend sends her puppies to their new homes with "goodie bags."  I don't know what all goes in them - probably pee pads and chew toys, stuff like that.  Last week in text messages, we somehow got on the subject of the goodie bags, and before the conversation was over, I'd volunteered to embroider her kennel logo on her goodie bags.  She said she'd ship me some blank bags.  They arrived yesterday, but we didn't check the mail until late in the day.  I started on them this morning.  Bag #3 is in the machine now.

My Great-Aunt Lee caught me doing hand embroidery one Sunday afternoon when I was a kid, and said, "For ever' stitch you sew on Sunday, you'll pick out with your nose on Judgment Day."  Maybe that doesn't apply to machine embroidery.  

I wished I'd had them yesterday.  Remember, I had planned to prepare the turnip green patch for planting this weekend, but it was raining when I woke up Saturday morning.  Since I had not made a contingency plan, I roamed around the house all day - from the couch, to the refrigerator, to the porch, to the bedroom, back to the porch . . . .  About 1 p.m., The Husband joined his weekly online ukulele jam.  I sat watching it until I noticed one of the ladies was DRINKING - at 1 p.m.! - and I thought, If she can day-drink, so can I, so I fixed myself a good-sized gin & tonic, grabbed my mandolin, and went out to the porch to practice.  I wasn't much good for anything else, after that.

We walked down to the garden, to get some tomatoes for supper and check the mole trap.  No mole.  Lots of new fire ant hills.  We dusted them until we ran out of powder.  

There were lots more ripe tomatoes than I expected, enough to fool with canning them.  I brought home just a few tomatoes to go with some we already had - going to try making okra & tomatoes for supper - but tomorrow after work, I need to pick and can.  

There were a few squash big enough to pick.  I saw a squash bug on one of them.  Time to spray again before they get rampant.  

The okra needed picking, too, but the okra rows are a SWAMP, and I wasn't wearing my mud boots.

Peas need picking.  

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