Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Labor Day Weekend - September 8, 2020


The Husband pulled a fast one on me yesterday.

Since we did not have any Labor Day cookout plans, we spent the morning cleaning closets.  (Our younger son and his family are moving back home from east Tennessee in about 10 days, and they will be living with us until they can find a house.)  After lunch, we zoomed with the ukulele group for an hour or so.  When that was over, The Husband said he was going to get the tractor and bush-hog the field in front of Nanny's house.  

I was sitting on the back porch, fooling with my mandolin.  I said, "If Roger sees you, he'll want you to come do his porch, and I'll want to video it."  He made some grumbling noises and left.  A few minutes later, I heard the tractor in the field.  Absorbed in my practicing, I did not notice when the tractor left the field and started up the road, but a screeching noise got my attention.  I knew what it was; he was taking the porch off of Roger's trailer.

I grabbed my phone and took off across the road, but the deed had already been done.  

Damn it.

In any case, it was uneventful.  Roger's trailer is still standing.

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