Saturday, November 21, 2020

Cinnamon Rolls - November 21, 2020


Thursday night, while watching a show on our local PBS channel, I saw a story about kolaches (basically, danishes or hand pies).  Yesterday, curious about the dough, I looked up recipes, and in the process I stumbled across recipes for cinnamon rolls.  I printed a kolache recipe and a cinnamon roll recipe.

Now, cinnamon rolls are not my favorite sweets, but The Husband loves them, so yesterday afternoon, while the last tote bag was in the embroidery machine, I stirred up a batch of dough.  The dough seemed far too wet and sticky, so I added another cup of flour, thinking I must have mis-counted on the way to FOUR cups.  It still seemed a little sticky, but I am no yeast dough expert, so I moved on with the process.  

To my surprise, the dough rose and doubled, though it took a little longer than the recipe said.  I floured the counter and rolled out the dough (which still seemed a little sticky), added the cinnamon/sugar/butter mixture, and attempted to roll the whole business into a nice, tight log.  Of course, the dough stuck to the counter.  Instead of a nice, tight log, I had a limp, gooey mess that stuck to the knife as I tried to slice it into individual rolls.  I could barely turn loose of the dough as I moved each "roll" to the baking pan. 

I thought, "What the heck, they'll taste good, regardless of how they look," and I set them aside to rise again.  When the rising time was up, I took a picture of them and sent them to a friend who said she'd perfected cinnamon rolls during the pandemic shut-down.  A few minutes later, my phone rang.  When I answered it, I heard, "Pitiful.  Just pitiful.  Send me another picture after you bake them."


Yeah, they could've baked a couple minutes longer.

But they tasted good.  :)

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