Sunday, November 1, 2020

Butterbean pickin' - November 1, 2020

Last night, the weatherman was talking freezing temperatures for tonight, so I'm getting the butterbeans today.  They've been in the ground since the first week of August, so we're very close to the 90-day maturity that the seed package promised. 

Instead of picking the pods off the vines, I just cut the vines down and piled them in my wagon.  The garden is muddy, and I'm not over my cold, yet, and my nose is running like a wet-weather spring.  The vines are spread out in my driveway, drying off, where it'll be much easier to pick the beans off the vines.  I expect that there won't be many beans that are mature enough to shell.  

I didn't get the butter peas, yet, but I'll get them before the day is over.  

My younger son and his family found a house to rent until they can find one to buy, and they began moving this weekend.  They spent the night in their new place last night, and I suppose they've officially moved, except for scattered stuff still at my house, which they'll get as they need it.  I'm going to miss having them around.  

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