Wednesday, November 25, 2020

From the back porch - November 25, 2020

 Well, tomorrow is Thanksgiving.  Our 3-person dinner has expanded to a 7-person dinner, with the addition of a brother-in-law, two grown nephews, and a girlfriend.  Last night, Nanny and I discussed game plans to keep everyone safe.  She and I are going to serve the food buffet-style.  She has two tables - one in the breakfast nook near the kitchen, and one in the dining room.  We should be able to spread out.  Nevertheless, The Husband and I may fix "to-go" plates and bring them back to our house to eat.  

I have to go to work for a while this morning to tie up some loose ends, then there'll be the inevitable trip to the grocery store for stuff I forgot.  I'll come straight home from the store and start cooking.  My assignments are a sweet potato casserole, a strawberry pretzel salad, and the turkey.  The turkey is a smoked turkey and just needs to be warmed.  I'll get up early tomorrow morning and stick him in a low oven.

Sweet potatoes always make me think of The Husband's paternal grandmother, Mama Jewell.  At her house one day, as she, Nanny, and I were sitting around a table talking about sweet potato pies, I commented that sweet potatoes pies are a chore because sweet potatoes are so hard to peel.  Nanny agreed.  Mama Jewell said, "Boil 'em, first."  It was like a light bulb went off in my head.  Apparently, Nanny had the same reaction, for she exclaimed, "Jewell, you could've told me that 40 years ago!"  

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