Tuesday, November 3, 2020

From the back porch - Election Day, November 3, 2020

What a beautiful day it is.  Though I thought my back-porch-sittin' days were over for the year, it looks like there's one more.  Except for the potato tub glaring in the picture, isn't this a lovely view?

But I'm worried.

This is Election Day.  I fear that there will be all sorts of nonsense happening around the country, today and for days to come.  I fear that our election process has been meddled with in ways that we don't know.  

Our cable TV went out last night.  That might be a good thing, in a way, but that worries me, too.  We, as a nation, are too dependent on our electronic devices, and too trusting of the people who come into our homes through them.  

I need to stop thinking about these things today.

My older son has been sick with strep throat and now has covid.  He says that he cannot taste or smell, and that he is incredibly tired.  When I asked him if there was anything I could do for him, he asked for chicken noodle soup and meat loaf.  I stopped at the grocery store for ingredients on my way to work.  I hadn't been there an hour when The Boss called to report that she is feeling poorly and is not coming in, and she told me that I might as well go home, too (I haven't been feeling so great, myself, these past couple of weeks).  So I am at home.  Home-made chicken noodle soup is simmering on the stove.  I added a few red pepper flakes to the broth, hoping that if my son can't taste it, he can at least feel it.  ;)  When the ground beef thaws, I'll stir up the meat loaf.  I hope he's physically able to walk to the porch to get it, because I ain't going inside his house any time soon!

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