Friday, November 6, 2020

Irked - November 6, 2020

 I am irked about several things this morning.

First, I am irked that I cannot get over this snotty nose.  

Second, I am irked that the embroidery machine (on which I spent $300 to have serviced a couple of weeks ago) is not sewing correctly.  A couple of days after I brought the machine home from the shop, I came down sick and have not felt like fooling with embroidering, so this is the first test of the machine.  I had to drive 40 miles to take it to the shop, 40 miles to pick it up, and now I'm going to have to do it all over again.

Third, and most importantly, I am irked about the way the president and his minions are behaving over the election.  He took to the air in the middle of the night after the election, when less than half the votes had been counted, and declared himself the winner.  Yesterday, one of his minions had the gall to shame Joe Biden for saying it looked like he (Biden) was going to win when the bulk of the votes had been counted and it appeared that Biden was in the lead.  Now, the president is claiming, without evidence, that the election officials are cheating and is filing lawsuits.  Two of the lawsuits have been dismissed, already, because he presented zero evidence of his cheating claims.  And his supporters are going nuts, believing everything he says.  Of course, this will not be the end.  There will be ceaseless appeals.  

Worse, there will be violence.  Already, a man has been arrested in Philadelphia for allegedly planning to wreak havoc with an automatic weapon in the vote-counting center.  

People have lost their minds.

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