Sunday, November 29, 2020

From the back porch - November 29, 2020

 Yes, it's too cold to be blogging on the back porch, but I'm doing it, anyway.  It's not quite cold enough to freeze my coffee in the cup.

I just put a quiche in the oven.  It's made from left-over smoked turkey, green onions, and various cheeses that I found in the 'fridge that didn't have mold on them.  

Yesterday, we did the final harvest from the vegetable garden - three cabbages, three heads of broccoli, and one scrawny white carrot.  Night-time temperatures are supposed to drop below freezing this week, and we did not want to risk losing those beautiful vegetables.  We gave Nanny one of the cabbages and two of the small broccoli heads.  I'll probably fry one of the cabbages tonight for dinner, spiked with the rest of the smoked turkey.

The brussels sprouts weren't big enough to fool with, so I buried them in pine needles, hoping they'll survive the cold temperatures this week and produce sprouts big enough to eat.

I was so bored yesterday that I made a gnome out of an old gourd, some skewers, and an old sweater.  

His nose is a "footie" stuffed with polyester filling.  His feet are air-dry clay, covered with felt "boots."  His beard and hair are faux fur that I ordered for some project last year and never got around to doing.  I painted green and white stripes on his skewer legs to make them look like striped socks, but they don't show much under the fur around the bottom of his pants.  

He's not very stable, and fell over backwards in the green paint I was using for the stripes.  It left a thumb-print-sized spot on his butt.  Making the most out of a bad situation, I thumb-printed green polka-dots all over the sweater.  Don't tell anybody it was an accident.  ;)

The Husband texted the picture to The Grandchildren last night, with the comment, "We don't have an Elf on the Shelf; we have a Gnome in the Home."

He thinks he's a poet.  ;)

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