Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Back Porch - Day 2 - February 23, 2021


Man, it's nice out here.  Probably 60 degrees.  Sun shining.  Wind chimes gently tinkling as water drip-drip-drips from the last of the snow on the roof.  I was sitting at the kitchen table, working on a jigsaw puzzle, when I thought, Why are you inside?  

My kids gave me this jigsaw puzzle as a Christmas present.  They bought it online and it didn't arrive by Christmas; I just got it this weekend and started on it Sunday.  It is a topographical (I guess that's the right word) map of the area where we live.  It is challenging.  I've about gone blind from it.  

Let me tell you about this weird/creepy thing that happened at work today.

I was standing on the sidewalk in front of my office, smoking a cigarette and playing a word puzzle game on my phone, totally engrossed, when behind me a man said, "Excuse me, ma'am."  I whirled around, startled.  He was a handsome, clean-cut, stocky-built African-American man, about 40, I'd guess.  He was wearing a disposable blue face mask, a black suit with a silver and black vest, white shirt, and a clerical collar.  Except for the vest and the collar, I would've pegged him for a lawyer.  I can't remember if he told me his name, but he showed me a laminated card that I barely glanced at and told me he was a minister and that he was working to stop crime.  I expected that he was going to ask me for money for his ministry - and he eventually did - offered to have some kids wash and detail my car for $45 when the streets dry up - but I had $2 and some pennies in my purse, so I politely declined.  

Before he got to the car wash part, though, he told me that he had stopped a woman from being mugged by two men who intended to take her to an ATM and make her take out her money and give it to them.  He said had God laid it on him to be at that place, at that time, to save the woman.  He also said that he could read minds.  

I tested him by looking him straight in the eye and, with a pleasant, engaged look on my face, very deliberately thought, You are utterly full of shit.  

If he got the message, he didn't say.

But before he left he told me I need to put the cigarette down because it would make me sick, that it was making me sick right then.  

Maybe God told him to be there today.  >:-0

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