Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Back to the Grind - October 19, 2021

It was back to the regular grind yesterday for The Husband and me.  The Boss is away at a seminar for the rest of this week, so it's boring and lonely in my office.  Yesterday, I stuck it out until noon, then high-tailed it out of there.  Might do the same thing today.

When I got home, I set up the laptop on the back porch to do some digitizing.  It wasn't long before I heard Cousin Roger crank up his lawnmower and head this way.  He'd been banned from the porch ever since I found out his girlfriend had covid, and then he came down with it, so it's been a while since we've had an opportunity to "talk shop" about his wood-working projects.  He'd been busy while we were in Gatlinburg and had a lot to tell me.

Before he left, he said, "Hey, I wanted to ask if you would work on my overalls."  

"What's wrong with 'em?"

"The straps ain't long enough."  

Once upon a time, Cousin Roger was a terrific athlete, tall and lean.  In the last few years, with his health problems and lack of exercise, he's grown an impressive paunch.  The extra girth has created a gap between his overall bib and its galluses.

I said, "Well, let 'em out some."

He said, "I done let 'em out all the way!"

He wants me to cut the galluses and splice them with fabric strips.  I said I'd give it a shot.

He also said that he is having trouble putting on his boots - the paunch is in the way (plus he's still not breathing quite right since covid) - but he has engineered a way around the problem.  He has affixed two S-hooks to two lengths of rope, which he has tied to a sturdy stick.  The S-hooks go into the holes at the top of his boots and - well, you probably get the idea.

He's a genius in his own way.  ;)

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