Saturday, April 23, 2022

Sitting this one out - April 23, 2022

The ukulele festival is proceeding just fine without me.

I went with The Husband to the opening night doin's.  It was crowded!  Although the organizers knew how many people had signed up for the festival, apparently they didn't expect ALL of  the ticket holders to show up the first night.  The room barely held us all.  It was hot and stuffy.  But it was a roomful of the nicest people you'd ever want to meet, and a lot of talented musicians.  They had "open mic night," and a few groups performed.  Still, I was ready to leave before it was over.

The Husband had bought me a ticket for all three days of the festival, which included workshops.  The Boss would have let me off for the day, but I opted to go to work because there was a rather "sticky" case on the docket and I figured I would be needed.  Alas, the case was continued, and The Boss turned me loose just after lunch.

It was a beautiful day, so I came home and set up my laptop on the porch to do some digitizing.  There were dozens of stinkbug-looking bugs crawling on the inside of the porch screens, and they kept buzzing my head and landing on me until I could not concentrate on my work.  I found a can of bug spray and dosed them good.  They basically laughed at me and went on about their business.  I found another can of bug spray - the foamy type that shoots about 20 feet - and dosed them again.  This knocked a bunch of them off the screens, but it wasn't long until they'd crawled back up.  I thought, Good grief, what's it going to take . . . . "  As the sun went down and it got dark, the light from my laptop screen drew them, and I finally had to give up and go inside.  But this morning it looks like most of them eventually succumbed to the 1-2 bug spray punch.

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