Friday, April 28, 2023

Birthday Cup - April 28, 2023

Well, that was something of a flop.  :-\

Remember a couple of weeks ago, when I was culling fabric and dishes and such?

I had loaded my car with boxes of dishes and other things to donate.  When The Husband came home and discovered I had emptied his grandmother's china cabinet, he worried that I had included his great-grandmother's "pepper sauce bottle" in the donation box.  We went out to my car to search the boxes.  Sure enough, the pepper sauce bottle was there, along with a set of six black coffee mugs that had taken up way too much space in the cabinet.  The Husband tried to snag one of the mugs, but I wouldn't let him.

Fast forward a few days.  I opened the dishwasher, and there was one of the black coffee mugs.

I thought, You rascal!  You sneaked a mug, after all!  I'll fix you!  I started to throw the mug in the garbage can . . . then I had a better idea;  I'd give it to him for his birthday.  I hid the mug.

I expected The Husband to notice that the mug was gone and say something about it, but he didn't.  

This morning was the big reveal.  There was a tense moment or two when I could not find the mug, but it finally turned up.  I washed it, put a "Happy Birthday!" sticky note on it, put it in the cabinet, and waited for The Husband to wake up and go to the cabinet for a coffee cup.  

He went straight for the cabinet, as usual.  I heard him pour his coffee.  In a minute, he came from the kitchen with his black mug in one hand and the sticky note in the other.  He said, " gave me a coffee mug," and sat down in his recliner and turned on the morning news.  

And that was it.

Turns out, he hadn't sneaked a mug from the car; I'd just missed the one in the dishwasher when I was culling.



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