Monday, April 3, 2023

Ruthless - April 3, 2023

I was ruthless today.  Perhaps a little too ruthless, so I built myself a safety net, of sorts.

It all started with the decision to get new flooring because our existing flooring is going to cause one of us to fall and break a hip.  We bought the flooring yesterday and had it shipped to the house.  The store said we'd get it by April 12.  Today, I got an email that it's been shipped and will be here Wednesday.  Since that minute, I've been hauling boxes and printers and you-name-it to the two rooms that are not getting flooring.  Aaaaalllll this sh*t gotta be moved, and I don't want to put it back.

You've already heard about the fabric purge.  Today, I finished emptying the craft/sewing room of all but the big stuff.  Made a trip to the dump when I filled up the garbage can, and when I got back from the dump, I did the book purge.  

I have (had?) three book "collections" built from studies on some s-t-r-a-n-g-e historical topics.  Nothing kinky, no devil worship, or anything like that.  Just people.  Francis Bacon.  Benjamin Franklin.  William Shakespeare.  Clarence Darrow.  Mark Twain.

One of those things is not like the others.  ;)

Anyway, I have (had?) four five-shelf bookcases full of books, plus some biographies that I will probably never read.  I once thought some of it might be "worth something" as a "collection," and actually made overtures at trying to sell them to a rare book store, but they wouldn't bite.  Not their niche(s), I reckon.  Anyway . . . . 

Francis and William and Clarence are in the back of my car, along with a bunch of coffee table art books and what-have-you.  I can't bear to part with Benjamin and Mark.  I love their wise-ass voices.  And I may ride the other three fellows around a while before I donate them to the local library.

The "keepers" are stacked on our bedroom floor, along with random stuff that had accumulated on the shelves.  I made The Husband move his music stuff.  We've got to un-hook all the computer/internet junk and find somewhere else to hook it up because we both need the wifi for our work.  I reckon our bedroom is about to become a library and an office.

I worked on the toy closet today.  Tomorrow, the craft closet.  

It's supposed to storm here tomorrow night.  I hope it's over before the flooring arrives.  :-|

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