Monday, October 26, 2020

From the back porch - October 26, 2020

 Yesterday, I was as worthless as tits on a boar hog.  It rained off and on all day, so getting outside was no fun, and I didn't have any projects in progress to keep me occupied inside.  I'd finished (no kidding!) the little cross-stitch embroidery piece I'd been working on, so I scrounged around, looking for something else to do.

I made these hats a couple of weeks ago.

They need decorating, and the white one needs some additional felting (it's too fuzzy).  My intention was to decorate the tan one with felt flowers, but I couldn't find my needle-felting tools.  So I moved on to a partially-finished jewelry kit I found in the craft closet during last weekend's scavenger hunt.  Unfortunately, the instructions were missing from the kit.  They're around here, somewhere, but I was too lazy and too irked to hunt for them.  

Thus went the entire day:  come up with an idea, and nix it when I can't find the stuff to do it.

I did manage to do a couple of loads of laundry and change the bed sheets.  Yay me.

As dinner time approached, I ratted around in the refrigerator for something to cook.  In the meat drawer were two pounds of ground beef that I'd bought last weekend, and various packages of cheese.  The meat was a little gray, but smelled okay.  I decided to use one pound for a meat loaf (thinking ahead to tonight's dinner) and the other for enchiladas.  When I got ready to assemble the enchiladas, I discovered that almost all of the cheese in the refrigerator was furry.  I ended up using multiple slices of American cheese with the enchilada meat, and found a handful of non-furry grated cheddar to sprinkle on top.  The enchiladas were . . . meh.  We ate them, anyway.

For the past three weeks, I have been suffering with seasonal allergies that morphed into bronchitis.  After two rounds of antibiotics, I'm still coughing.  At night, I've been slamming down a capful of cold medicine, but when I lie down, the cough gets worse.  One night last week, The Husband suggested that I try a toddy instead of the decongestant.  I mixed up a shot of whiskey, honey, and lemon juice, and slept all night for the first time in two weeks.  I've looked forward to bed-time every night since.  ;)


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