Monday, May 30, 2022

Memorial Day - May 30, 2022

We won't be doing anything special for Memorial Day this year.  We're just too lazy to host a big cookout.  The Husband has some "tractoring" to do.  I'm not sure how I will spend this day.  Right now, a day of reading in my recliner sounds like a fine idea.

Friday was The Grandson's birthday.  We could not get together with him on his birthday, but yesterday we took him to a movie then out to dinner.  We invited him to spend the night with us, but he'd already made plans to hang out with a friend for a couple of days now that school is out.  Can you believe a 15-year-old would rather hang out with his friends than with his grandparents? ;)  

Saturday, we set a live trap in the back yard, hoping to catch the groundhog that we've sighted a couple of times over the past week or two.  We baited it with a banana.  Mid-afternoon, we checked the trap; the banana was gone, but the trap was not sprung.  Squirrel, most likely.  

Yesterday as I was working on the back porch, I saw an armadillo trundling around in the side yard.  He eventually made his way around the porch, headed toward the shed.  As he passed by the live trap, I held my breath, hoping he'd smell where the banana had been and go in to investigate, but he only sniffed the air outside the trap then disappeared under the shed.  The Husband was in the house, playing his ukulele at the time.  When he came out, I told him about the armadillo.  He said, "You should've told me.  I would've offed it."  I gave him a disbelieving look.  How many times have I run inside at night to alert him that an armadillo was in the yard, only to have him shrug it off.  He read my mind when I shot him the look.  "I don't like shooting at night," he said, "but I would've blasted him in daylight."  I'll keep that in mind.

Later in the day, I put another banana in the live trap.  The trap was empty (of animals) when we came home from dinner with The Grandson.  As I began to write the above paragraph, I got up to check the trap.  

There's a raccoon in it.

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