Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Teeth - July 25, 2023

I had to have a tooth pulled yesterday.  Fun times.

Years ago, this tooth got crowned.  Days later, it began to hurt a little, and when I went back to the dentist with the complaint, he drilled a hole straight through the center of my new crown and shot some medicine in it.  I think he puttied it up with something, which came out straight away.  Anyway . . . . 

The crown came off in my mouth on a Friday night about a month ago while I was eating some almonds.  It's a miracle I didn't swallow it.  The next day, I bought some dental adhesive to put the crown back on until Monday, when I'd let the dentist put it on.  The adhesive instructions said to first put the crown back in place without adhesive to make sure how it was supposed to fit.  I did that, and it kind of snapped in place, and when I went to take the crown off to put the adhesive in it, it wouldn't come off.  I thought, "Huh," and left it alone.  A few days ago, it came off again.  I put some adhesive on it and put it back where it goes.  That lasted about a day, so last week I visited the dentist, who said the tooth needed to come out.  My tooth replacement options were (1) an implant, (2) a bridge (which he didn't recommend), or (3) leave the gap.  

I stewed hard about this, for I have a friend who almost died from getting septic after a dental implant.  Freak thing - the dentist drilled into her sinus cavity - but still . . . .  I finally decided to start the implant process.  The bad tooth came out yesterday.  The dentist said, "...and keep your tongue out of it for at least two weeks."  Shhhyeah, right.

He called in some pain medicine - stout ibuprofen - but it was late in the day and I knew it wouldn't be ready until today, so I came home, popped an over-the-counter ibuprofen tablet, and started shelling the purple hull peas we picked Sunday.  At 10 p.m., I was halfway through the bucket and decided to leave the rest for today.  I finished them this afternoon.  They shelled out to 5 quarts.  They're blanched and in the freezer, already.

It's a good thing that I'm not in bad pain from the tooth-pulling.  When I went to the drugstore just before lunch, my prescription still wasn't ready.  I told them to just cancel it.  

When I finished the peas, I planted pumpkins that I sprouted from seeds.  They probably won't have time to make pumpkins before frost, but the vines might be cute.

After planting the pumpkins, I took a tour of the yard and discovered that Jose dug up some black-eyed Susans I planted a couple of weeks ago.  Shithead.  He must have done it right away, because the plant had rooted itself to the ground sideways.  I tore it off the ground and re-planted it.  That'll probably kill it.  I also planted some zebrina mallow, but I put a wire cage around it.  It'll be interesting to see what he does with that.

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