I spent three hours working in the garden yesterday. While the sprinkler was running on the purple hull pea rows, I tackled the grass around the butternut squash and the lone watermelon. Both the butternuts and the watermelon have tiny fruit on them. I hope they make it to maturity before the frost comes.
We have some bodacious grass in the garden. The cardboard and pine straw we put down have done a pretty good job of cutting down on weeding chores, but there's still a lot of grass in the un-mulched areas. I pulled up two big wagon-loads of grass yesterday, and that was just on the one row where the squash and watermelon are planted.
There are a lot of ripe tomatoes that need to be picked. I was too tired to mess with them yesterday. As I was finishing up in the garden, Nanny came outside, and I asked her if she wanted to can the tomatoes. She seemed reluctant, although she'd told me earlier in the week that she'd like to have more canned tomatoes. It seems she has other things she needs to do. She eventually said she might have time to can them tomorrow. I am going to pick them this morning before I go to work, and scald and peel them when I get home. That's half of the canning job. I'll see if she wants the peeled tomatoes, and if she doesn't, I guess I'll be canning them tomorrow.
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