Saturday, August 7, 2021

Goodbye Cucumbers, Goodbye Peas - August 7, 2021

 We picked every purple hull pea that was on the vines, mature or not.  Then we took up the cardboard carpet, pulled up the vines, mowed down the grass, and tractor-tilled the rows where the peas had been.  Tomorrow, I'm going to re-plant the peas.

We also pulled up the cucumber vines.  The Nephew came out while I was doing it and said, "Are they done?"  I said, "I don't know, but I'M done."  We picked the cucumbers off the vines as we pulled them up.  They were mostly nubby things, so I do think the plants really were done, after all.

I cut a bunch of okra, shared some with Nanny.  Tomorrow, we'll have okra & tomatoes for supper.  Later this week, when the plants make more, I intend to pickle some okra.

The butterbeans are just now beginning to bloom.  They need to be fed and watered.  Tomorrow, if I can get around to it.  

It's getting close to time to start thinning out the tomato plants.  The Defiant tomatoes have very few tomatoes left on them, and I doubt they'll make more.  The San Marzano tomatoes - well, I haven't been at all impressed with them.  They won't grow in my garden next year.  They seem more prone to disease than anything else in the garden.  

We still have a dozen or so of the indeterminate tomatoes, and they are still producing enough for us to have sandwiches, etc.  I guess they'll make fruit until frost.

I want to plant some fall garden vegetables.  I have all the seeds I need.  Maybe I'll get busy sprouting some seedlings this week.

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